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B R A C H Y C E P H A L I C 
A I R W A Y  S Y N D R O M E  

Also known as BOAS

Dr. Amanda Nott is experienced in performing corrective BOAS surgery

We are passionate about improving the health and wellbeing for brachycephalic pets.

Dr. Amanda has years of experience with brachycephalic patients and can assess your pet to carefully explain what is involved with brachycephalic obstructive airway surgery.

A B O U T  B R A C H Y C E P H A L I C 
O B S T R U C T I V E  A I R W A Y  S Y N D R O M E  


Brachycephalic pets are the short-faced breeds of dogs and cats. Selective breeding has created a skull that is dramatically compressed with shortened nasal and frontal passages, as well as a shortened nose. 


Brachycephalic breeds usually have a degree of stenotic nares (slit-like nostrils), elongated soft palates, pharyngeal hyperplasia (thickened throat tissue) and, often, tracheal hypoplasia (narrowed windpipe). Many breeds will also have enlarged tonsils, everted laryngeal saccules and overgrown nasal turbinate bones. The upper airways become compressed, causing obstruction of airflow, increased turbulence of air and increased negative pressures.


Breeds affected include French bulldogs, English bulldogs, Pugs and Boston terriers. Boxers, Lhasa Apsos, Cavalier King Charles spaniels, Pekinese and Shih Tzus can also be affected, as well as Himalayan and Persian cats.

A B O U T  T H E  S U R G E R Y 


Surgical correction may involve widening of the stenotic nares, shortening of the elongated soft palate, removal of everted laryngeal saccules and enlarged, tonsils if required.

 Early intervention is strongly recommended. The outcome is usually excellent in younger animals. They generally breathe much more easily and with reduced respiratory distress. Activity levels often improve.


H A V E  Y O U R  P E T  A S S E S S E D 


Please call to request an appointment with Dr. Amanda Nott to have your brachycephalic pet assessed.

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